Welcome to the FPG Library Blog

Welcome to the Frank Porter Graham Elementary Library blog. Check out all the wonderful things our students are learning and some of the best books to use with children both in school and at home.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Kindergarten Weather Reports

Did you know FPG has their very own Kindergarten weather reporters?? To end their study of weather, kindergarten classes displayed their talents by practicing weather reports for our school. What fun they had!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Readathon Staff Basketball: Introductions

Oh, my my.....We had our ReadAThon assembly yesterday to celebrate our students reaching our school goal of 650,000 minutes read over a two week period. And because we love our students so very much we had a challenge awaiting us. In full book character garb, we played our hearts out in an intense game of basketball. I showed up as the Cat In the Hat to honor the birthday of Dr. SEuss and Read Across America. Needless to say I am quite sore today, but had a BLAST! I think this may quickly become an annual tradition associated with ReadAThon.

FPG -Faculty "Character" Basketball game