Welcome to the FPG Library Blog

Welcome to the Frank Porter Graham Elementary Library blog. Check out all the wonderful things our students are learning and some of the best books to use with children both in school and at home.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Kindergartners Create Digital Animal Fact Books!

Kindergartners have been busy this last month of school becoming expert animal researchers. A collaborative unit between classroom teachers, our technology specialist and myself aimed to teach our youngest learners the steps of simple research process. Using the Super 3 steps of Plan, Do, Review our kindergartners slowly became animal experts. They used books and internet sources to gather their information and organized their findings on a simple graphic organizer. After creating classroom charts of their findings, each student chose one fact to share about their animal to be included in a digital nonfiction book. Check out the completed digital products below. Kudos to a job well done!

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